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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Where the Heck Have I Been

Wow... I come here after a long, busy run and see I have some people linked... following this blog! How cool is that? Thank you for sticking around and putting up with my ranting self. Yeah, I know, I carry on like a crab about certain customers but there are others who really surprise me every single day.

A woman who I made two Spirit-Gris for has been staying in touch by sending little thank you cards and such. I think this is the sweetest and very thoughtful touch. Last I emailed her, she said she was having computer issues so every now and then I get a card in the mail. Another person who purchased the Prayer Book of Power works really hard at improving his life both spiritually and physically. I offer him some advice when he asks questions and now he wants to ship a gift to me (!?).

The greatest gift of all is to see customers doing better, which means they hit the ground running and the spirits are active in their lives! I've found that most of my best customers have "got it" -- they figured out how magic and spirituality REALLY works -- it is a dual effort between what YOU can do for yourself and then the Spirit adds the oomph.

I am always looking for ways to show others how they can have a better life, whether it be through magic, through a dietary change or an uplifting article. I want to start updating this blog more regularly and with various content.

I just tried to post a link to an article but it didn't show up in the final published post. Sigh. That's no fun. I'll try something else:
(From "The Oprah Challenge: 3 Questions That Will Help You Find Your True Calling")

1. How does what you're doing make you feel?
When you're honoring your calling, there's an undeniable sense of stimulation and exhilaration. It feels like you're giving and getting "juice" from the experience. It just feels so right.
What stands out for me when I consider this question are all the years I spent as an anxious news reporter/anchorwoman. And then came the day I co-hosted my first show on People Are Talking in Baltimore, and it instantly felt like I'd come home to myself. Not because the conversation was especially earth-shattering or enlightening—the first guest was the Carvel ice cream man, discoursing on his flavors—but because of the feeling that at last I was where I was meant to be.

2. Does it have a positive impact on others?
Anything that makes you feel strong, connected, and aligned with your truth does the same when shared—whether it's making pie or choreographing a dance or counseling a friend. Nothing that really calls you is ever for you alone.

3. Does it turn up the volume and increase the vibration of your life?
Whenever you're engaged in the business of who you're meant to be, you're more awake, alive, and ready to play a vital part in your world. When others see your light shining, they'll be inspired to shine theirs, too.

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/How-to-Find-Your-True-Calling-What-Am-I-Meant-to-Do#ixzz1fVdwRkrh

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