Welcome to the Fun World of Spiritual Work!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Additional Products

Ever thought an oil can remove doubts, fears, negativity and terribly crossed conditions from your life? No? Buy Uncrossing and let this essential oil eliminate the dark clouds that are surrounding you. https://twilightcrossroads.com/shop?olsPage=products%2Funcrossing&page=2
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Spells, when take the negative form, can kill your happiness and drag down your success in the worst ways. Don’t worry as we are there to help you. Fiery Wall of Protection is a magical oil that has properties to keep you guarded. https://twilightcrossroads.com/shop?olsPage=products%2Ffiery-wall-of-protection&page=4
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What if we say that empowering one’s aura is as easy as taking a ritual bath? Don’t believe? Dragon’s Blood will make you believe so, provided you give it a try. Hurry up! Make it yours at an easy price of $15.00. https://twilightcrossroads.com/shop?olsPage=products%2Fdragons-blood&page=2
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Every time a purchase is made through Twilight Crossroads, Lilith Wynz will bless, consecrate and empower your item(s). When you receive your order, everything is ready to use! She is also available for any questions and will help you on how to use your items.

High John the Conqueror

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No matter what goals you want to accomplish in your life and what beginnings you want to embark for eternal success and rewards, High John the Conqueror is an essential to have. Available at just $21.00, this oil keeps you ahead in every venture. https://twilightcrossroads.com/shop?olsPage=products%2Fhigh-john-the-conqueror

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Updated Description of Fast Luck Oil (on my site)

When running out of luck in your personal or professional front becomes inevitable & wonted, don’t dismiss the help from The Lord & Nature. Buy this bottle of Fast Luck containing concentrated spiritual oil for brisk effect upon your life. To feel the energy flowing in your veins and godsend fortune blessing your endeavor, send us your birth-name & birth-date to consecrate the portion for you. Don’t you think, you deserve better than your present circumstances?

If your interested in placing an order, you can go to www.twilightcrossroads.com and your order will also appear in my site email so I will respond to you.



Friday, June 15, 2018

Brand New Online Store

After long bouts of hair-pulling frustration, I've finally built an online store on my website that sort of works. It has nice photos and a place to click on items that send people to a cart which goes to Paypal. After that, shipping is still hanging in the air since there is no easy way to do it.

Nevertheless, I have a sign up form if anyone would like to be on my mail list. I'll send out some sales, tips and cool stuff probably once a month. Just click the link and fill out the info if you would.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Manifesting a Better Life by Detouring the Mind

A couple years ago I began watching documentaries and many different webinars mostly out of curiosity. Out of the thousands of “how to’s” on eating healthy, living a stress free life and more, I’ve found a strong message that many have in common. Interestingly enough, that would include a recent visit with a physician so it’s not just the woo-woo clubs of the internet.

Reduce stress.

Defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
"he's obviously under a lot of stress"
strainpressure, (nervous) tension, worryanxietytroubledifficulty

I’m focusing on the above to make my point for the remainder of this blog.

What if everything we think about were merely constructs of our own making? What if our thoughts were things capable of having lives of their own? And what if we realized we had a choice in how we perceive situations that we could change the outcome?

There’s a lot of chatter about quantum fields and how the universe interacts with each of our individual thought-creations and personal energies. Is it possible to change limiting beliefs and the patterns that show up in our lives?

The answer is a resounding yes.

In order for grace to show up, shutting off all the horrible self-talk is the first step. Since the beautiful mind is a great manifesting machine of all that is good or not, let’s stop getting in our own way!

Begin with something small. Write down a belief you’ve had in the recent 24 hours then ask “Is this true?” “Is it possible to NOT be true?”  Let’s pretend for a while it’s not because in the long run everything will be okay.

I had a situation the other day where I was sad and depressed because I thought I wouldn’t hear from somebody close to me. It was a special day. I laid down, relaxed my mind and let go of this belief. I let go of the attachments and expectations. Later in the afternoon I got the phone call.

By now you’re probably asking yourself what the heck does any of this have to do with magic? Well… everything! If you find yourself constantly fussing and fuming and worrying about an outcome of something, anything, you’re getting in your own way. If you have a belief you will never have what you need for X, it’s not always about the need, it’s oftentimes about the limiting beliefs and the stressors associated with it.

Of course life will come at you from time to time and you’ll have those days. Instead of thinking I shouldn’t feel this or think that, stop should-ing on yourself and go ahead, feel it or think it so you can let it go.

Being perfectly positive 24-7 seems a bit woo-woo to me however having the ability to knock out that gap between what’s needed and where you stand now begins with noticing. Notice if you are reacting or responding. Ask some ‘what if’ questions.
