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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Anointing the Body

Clients have asked me if there are additional methods of working with oils along with performing candle spells. There are several however to keep this writing simple, I’ll offer one that was given to me a few years ago by my friend Dean.

Before I started suggesting this to clients, I tried it first. This is something I’ll do with most new things to make sure it works. I also changed it by the suggestion of my Spirits.

Recite the following as you do the anointments:

“I call on my Higher Power, Spirits of my family, Loa and all the Spirits who walk with me to bless me with (insert the purpose of the oil(s) you are using. Example: good luck, abundance, success).”

You will continue to recite the above as you apply the oils in the following manner:

Beginning at the top of your head, draw a small equal armed cross + and continue to the forehead, back of neck, heart, elbows, hands, each hip, each knee and bottoms of both feet.

Blended oils have carrier oil in them however you may want to check by dabbing a small amount on the inside of your wrist to be sure it doesn’t irritate your skin before trying the above.

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